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Alice’s Continued Progress after Back Surgery includes Tai-Chi and Water Aerobics

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“Let me introduce myself…I am an eighty something year old who comes to disability with knowledge of the care of persons that physical impairments require. (47 years as an R.N. with my last 10 years in acute Rehab @ Metro in Cleveland)

Well, after 2 MAJOR back surgeries, and then the final blow when surgery was required on the foot of my best functioning leg, in-patient therapy and wheel chair mobility became my mode of transportation. I thought I had always been empathetic, yes I had knowledge, but as they say, “Until you have walked in those shoes”.

I worked with P.T. & O.T. and tried very hard to maintain what little muscle strength I seemed to have. It was not easy. I arrived home after nearly 2 months still on non-weight bearing status.

Finally, I now can walk with my fore-arm crutches. (P/T. had introduced me to them pre-op) Wow! Everyone I see tells me how much my posture has improved.

I am a long-term participant in water exercise, so of course as soon as I was able, I was back into Kingston’s classes. Assistance was offered, and I had to accept, in putting shoes and socks on…(damp feet do not slide well into sock-aids).

Fast forwards a couple of months, and I have progressed to ambulation with just one crutch. I can do 90% of the exercises in Water Arthritis. Knowing that Dave Bell works with those with movement disorders (Parkinson’s), I asked if there were any exercises that he and his P.T. were doing with them that could be adapted to water for me. THAT DAY my journey to greater independence and improved self-outlook resumed.

How has this been accomplished you might ask? Encouragement to do not only ever increasing strengthening exercises, but also the introduction of patterning routines! (My very neurologically impaired leg is doing movement it has not done well, if at all, for 5 years or so).

To add to this, Krissy Hickey has started a water Tai-Chi class. Yea! Then one day, Dave told me about a Chair Yoga class that Krissy started, and how much a mutual acquaintance felt it was helping her. (I had been a participant in land Tai Chi and regular yoga prior to my disability)

Both classes require the use of muscles not previously being used to the best of their ability…..


It is very heartwarming when the dietary aide, the nursing assistant from another unit, all of the staff of the therapy departments, and even occasionally administrative staff stop me and say “good job”. And the encouragement and friendship of my fellow classmates continues to keep me going!

Again May I say to all of you,


Alice Cook”

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